Curriculum Links...
The Greenshank project covers many aspects of the National Curriculum, at different levels and in different subjects.
Enjoy a range of activities and worksheets aswell as curricular information.
All About Greenshanks ActivitiesThe Greenshank project covers many aspects of the National Curriculum, at different levels and in different subjects.
Enjoy a range of activities and worksheets aswell as curricular information.
All About Greenshanks ActivitiesFor schools who wish to be involved in this exciting project there is the opportunity to understand how we learn about the animals that we share the world with, to study a bird in a local habitat and to follow it to other more distant places, even different countries, and in so doing to learn about other habitats. The Greenshank lifecycle illustrates how animals reproduce, and also the importance of food supply and hence the need to adapt by migrating. The interdependence of plants and animals, and the need to protect habitats is also clear from the Greenshank story. Links with other schools can bring geography to life especially the idea of 'other places' and other cultures. There is plenty of scope for ICT and mathematics; just by using the website and its links for a start, but Ring the Changes worksheets are good mathematical exercises. The ringing project could provide data for interpretation at any level including statistics projects for higher level students.
Contact the education team at Chichester Harbour Conservancy for further information.
Email or phone 01243 789173.