Picture of team members digging in cannons

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Good news from Essex

Date: 02/09/2007
Greenshank RG+NY was seen near Manningtree in Essex by Mark Nowers on 26 and 27 August 2007. It was with 4 other Greenshanks. On 1 September it was seen again with 3 other birds by Anne Lansdown. This bird was ringed at Thorney Island on 6 August 2005, and is the first sighting from Essex of a bird ringed at Thorney during the lifetime of the project. A bird ringed at Farlington in September 2002 was seen at Two Tree Island, near Southend, Essex in August 2004. Pete Potts was thrilled by the latest sighting, particularly as the news came in just after the cannon netting team had failed to catch any Greenshanks at Thorney on 27 August. Numbers of Greenshank in Chichester Harbour so far this autumn have been lower than normal.

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