Picture of team members digging in cannons

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At last – a catch!

processing birds in the barn

Date: 30/10/2007
On Sunday 28 October we cannon netted 14 Greenshanks, together with 22 Redshanks, 28 Dunlin, 16 Turnstone, 3 Oystercatchers and a Little Egret at a roost on the West Deeps, Thorney Island. Observations in the fine weather the previous week had shown that there were up to 20 Greenshanks using the area. Come Sunday, the weather was wet and windy, so the other waders chose to join them in their relatively sheltered spot.

Five of the Greenshanks we caught were retraps from previous years; we know that 3 of them stayed in the harbour throughout last winter. The 9 new birds have been colour ringed with combinations including YY on the right tibia. All of the trapped birds have been radiotagged.

In the unpleasant weather processing could have been a nightmare but very fortunately we were allowed to work in a local farmer’s barn. It was a long day but we were all elated by the success of the catch, and look forward to tracking our birds around the harbour, hopefully throughout the winter.

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